What to Do for Autumn Lawn Maintenance

Perfect lawn

During the spring and summer, your yard may bloom beautifully. However, when the temperature starts to drop in the fall, you need to take certain precautions. You do not want your landscape to die during this time because it is going to be tough to bring it back to life once spring comes around again. Follow specific autumn lawn maintenance tips so that your yard looks wonderful all year long.


One tip is to regularly clean up your lawn. Many homeowners mistakenly believe that allowing fallen leaves to rest on the grass will ultimately benefit the foliage. While it is true to an extent, these leaves also prevent sunlight from reaching the grass. You should rake your lawn once every few days. This action will benefit your lawn by keeping leaves away. Raking also aerates your yard and helps provide oxygen to the grass.


For proper lawn maintenance, you also need to make sure you do not mow your lawn too often. You should mow it once every three weeks or so. Additionally, after each mowing, you should spread a layer of compost over the area. This helps fertilize the area to promote growth.


The fall is also a good time of year to deal with any weeds that constantly pester your lawn. You can dig them up with your own hands if there are not too many. However, you may need to apply an herbicide to the affected area.


You also want to ensure your yard receives plenty of moisture in the fall and winter months. Before the first freeze of the season comes around, you want to water the yard thoroughly. Your lawn may be dormant toward the end of the year, but it is still alive.


With some proper lawn maintenance, you can be confident your yard will look great once spring arrives. These tips are advantageous to residential and commercial property owners alike.