Grass Maintenance Tips for Pet-Proofing Your Lawn

Perfect lawn

A sign of a lovely, well-cared for home is a bright colorful lawn shining like a beacon, inviting people right to your front door. However, the ability to keep your lush green lawn looking spectacular becomes far more difficult when you have dogs. Here are a few tips for stepping up your grass maintenance and keeping Fido and friends from creating a pattern of lawn brown spots around your living space.


Water Down the Affected Area  

While this may seem like more of a chore than a solution, watering down the area where your pets urinate directly after they go can keep your lawn looking fresh for a longer period of time. The water will effectively dilute the urine, making it less damaging to your grass and allowing you to keep the upper hand on your lawn maintenance.


Use Tomato Juice to Your Advantage

Another handy tip to stay on top of grass maintenance is adding a bit of tomato juice to your dog’s daily meals. Vets have advised that this method can neutralize the animal’s PH levels, making their urine less acidic and damaging enough to cause lawn brown spots. The salt within the mixture can also elevate your dog’s need to hydrate, causing the to drink more water which, in turn, dilutes their urine even more.


Take Time to Spot Train

If your pet hasn’t been potty-trained, it may be time to start them on a new routine. Indicate an area of the yard they’re allowed to go to the bathroom on, leaving them only one given area to conduct their business. Over time, they’ll start to designate this space as their own special potty area, leaving the majority of your lawn green and beautiful without the damage of pet urine.  


Though Fido may not realize it, undoing all of your efforts to stay ahead of grass maintenance can leave you with a less than stellar yard. Rid yourself of the look of unsightly lawn brown spots and keep your pet happy at the same time by following one of these few simple tips.